Goal Setting & Training Programs

25 bite-sized sections
The objective of this module is to help you as a handler build increased structure to your training and/or help focus your competitive game. The objective of this module is to support you to create a training program unique to your needs by combining our proven winning formula and includes coaching you to critique your own plan.

Effective goal setting has a direct application and effect on your competition mental skills by helping you to focus your training plan and competition game plan for the foreseeable future.

This theory based educational module underpins Sport Science theory and its application to the agility setting. Although it is agility focussed the contents has relevance to any canine activity.

Natasha shares her approach to goal setting that has created a number of National and International Champions, in addition to how the application of this process can help support the building and focus of your training plan.

As a result of the educational content you will have an increased understanding of goal setting, have a tiered type of approach to your goal setting to help support your competitive game and training focus.

The content is not designed solely for the elite competitive sector of the sport but has application for all levels of ability.

Key subjects include
  • AW Performance Pyramid
  • Being SMART
  • Understanding Goal types
  • Setting goals (including template to download and populate)

This theory based educational module combines Sport Science theory and Natasha's practical application of that theory to the sport of Agility. A model that has enabled the success of multiple National and International Champions over the years.

Getting it 'right' on the day is a critical part of success, maintaining motivation and focus on the game year on year is also admirable. This module share's Natasha's methods and approach to achieve these two fundamental parts of the sport's dog activity.

If you are building for a specific event or looking for help to build a generic plan, this great module can guide you to an annual, monthly and daily plan, combining the importance of periodisation to peak at the best time whilst minimising the risk of injury.

Another added bonus is you will be added to our private AW Training Programs Facebook group for interactivity within a week of your purchase, where you are able to ask questions and take part in group chats with Natasha to gain the most from this module.

Key subjects include
  • Why is a Training Program important ?
  • Components and rationale of a sports dog Training Program
  • Periodisation including phasing and methods to structure your unique plan
  • Creation of your annual, monthly and daily Training Plan
Who’s it for?
  • Handlers of all ages
  • Pre-competition and competition Handlers
What do I need?
  • Pen & Paper
Active Duration: 3 Months
Subscription Available: Yes

What if I need further help? Contact us at admin@agilitywise.co.uk should you require assistance or further information relating to any of our modules.
